Drive-In Racks - NT Logistic
Storage Racks > Offer of racks
It is a system that allows the maximum use of available storage space through the use of roads and transport corridors to store pallets. The racks are positioned side by side and the transport routes are reduced to a minimum. The forklift truck can operate directly inside the rack, entering tunnels designed for pallet storage at the same time.
These shelves are suitable for storing homogeneous products, with low rotation and a large number of pallets per storage unit. The use of drive-in racks is particularly advantageous in the case of cold rooms and freezers. It allows for maximum saving of space for storing products at a temperature below zero. Invisible pallet racks are used where the priority is to maximize the storage space, and limited access to each pallet is not a significant problem.
Advantages of offered racks:
- The system enables storing products of a given storage unit in the same row, according to the LIFO principle.
- Shelves equipped with specially shaped beam rails that fulfill the task of both load-bearing guides and pallet storage rails.
- A compact construction obtained by combining standard pallet racks with dedicated elements of drive racks.
- Racks require a minimum number of corridors, allowing maximum use of space (up to 85%).
- Possibility of storing loads of different sizes, after prior definition at the production stage.